White Feather Soul

Is Right for the Soul

Support Coordination Level 1 and 2

Support Coordination at White Feather Soul

At White Feather Soul (WFS) we pride ourselves in our person centered supports. This is extremely important when selecting a Support Coordinator. At WFS we take a methodical approach to Support Coordination to ensure that our Client gets the most out of their funding and ensuring value for money and full choice and control.

What to expect

At White Feather Soul we have a methodical process we follow to ensure that our clients get the very best value and support out of their funding plan. We take the hassle out of managing your plan and supports whilst always making sure you have full control and choice.

What we do - the steps involved

Step 1 – Budgeting

The first and arguably most important thing we do at WFS is to create a budget based on your current plan. At this stage we take into account your funding level, your ideal supports and activities and your current supports (if already commenced). This step is important as we have all heard the horror stories of participants running out of funds during their current funding period. This should never happen and participants should never be left in the position of not being supported due to mismanagement/misunderstanding of their NDIS plans.

Step 2 – Planning

Step 2 involves creating an action plan, including prioritising important tasks and identifying any milestones or deadlines. This important step helps to identify future funds that may be required for things like planning reports or medical reports at the end of your current plan or at milestones during your plan. Also during this step we engage with your chosen support company/companies to appoint them or to continue an existing arrangement.

Step 3 – Management

Step 3 happens during the whole period of your plan to ensure everything is running as it should be and inline with the budget created in step 1. We help you manage you plan to ensure you get the most out of it with the least amount of stress and worry. 

Other things that may be required

Auditing – Unsure whether your existing providers have been charging correctly and inline with the NDIA guidelines. We can audit your account to ensure that everything has been charged correctly and that you have not been overcharged or incorrectly charged.

Training – If you are interested we can help you learn your way around spreadsheets and documents so that you can take full control and be in the driver’s seat. All our spreadsheets, documents and databases have been created inhouse so we can share these with you and show you how to use them and get the most out of them. 

Assistance working with the NDIA – You may need assistance to deal with the NDIA or your LAC. Funding issues, plan changes, funding changes or plan rollovers. We can assist you with managing any of this. 

Funding – Have you run out of Support Coordination funding? Don’t worry we may still be able to help you. There are multiple actions we can take to be able to support you even if your funding has run out. 

Contact us today your Support Coordination needs

 We support you and ensure your needs are placed first, period.

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